No electricity at the Carter household last night, so we headed to Mimi and Papa's to watch the UK-Florida game. I hung in there until right after P Pat got hurt... and then I just couldn't take it. So, we loaded up and headed home. I wouldn't even turn on the radio. I knew Nick (who was spending the night at Marisa's because they just HAVE to be together when they watch their CATS) was going to be in a foul mood when he arrived home in the morning. I went to bed not knowing exactly how bad we got beat. :) When Marisa and Nick came in this morning, Nick seemed okay, and I was puzzled, but decided not to bring it up.
Finally, I said, "How much did we lose by?"
Marisa looked at me funny and said, " How much did WHO lose by?"
"OH my goodness, did you not SEE IT?"
Oh ME of little faith! By the way... BLUE is still my favorite color!
We never doubted ..not for one minute!blueeeeeeeeee!